View Profile darkclimax
I'm an anime lover a role player a castle crashers and kingdom hearts fan, basically your everyday gamer/geek. but trust me I'm far from ordinary, in fact, I'm quite random. I'm working on getting some gear to make flash.

Age 29, Male

Looking For a Job

Freeport Highschool


Joined on 3/2/09

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darkclimax's News

Posted by darkclimax - March 1st, 2010

I submitted the theme song to my new you-tube series but it hasn't been approved yet. :/ hopefully they let it show up soon.

Posted by darkclimax - February 21st, 2010

"Ur S0 L33t."

Yo Hackz0r!
Yur S0 L33t!
My account dun been busted fix me please.

Sure, Noob. Gimme your password,
I won't do anything absurd.

Any Reasons yur bein s0 nice?

Your grammar Sucks.

I Kn0ws Right? :D

Please don't use emoticons,
It makes me wanna hit you.

Your s0 violent. yo shut up dude!
Oh by the way you lost the game.

How did the internet get so lame?
This poem's beginning to turn to rap
Another sign of useless crap.

Posted by darkclimax - November 22nd, 2009

I had to make a composite story for english class... heres what we came up with

"Lift off!" The space hotel got shot into space. Little did they know that a homeless man named Bolton and a homosexual named willy snuck onboard. Once in space the homeless man walked into a store and stole the worlds ugliest dog then proceeded to shove it in his pants to sneak it out of the store. Willy the homosexual man saw him shove it down his pants and silently followed him out of the store. Willy asked if Bolton could please give him the dog, because he wanted to buy it and he did not approve of theft. the man took the worlds ugliest dog out of his pants and Swung it violently at Willy the homosexual. The worlds ugliest dog bit Willy in the face. this was overseen by Barrack Obama who decided to make a law that people shouldn't beat up homosexual people. he also brought the homeless man to court. he sued him for using an animal as a special weapon. the court went through a long process but eventually he was Convicted, and put in space jail.

interesting no?

Posted by darkclimax - September 13th, 2009

I started Yet Another book! I know I can't stick with just one... The truth is I'm getting bored waiting for my Book partner to make his half So I started Another book of all my own words thoughts and experiances. Here's chapter one, I hope you guys like it!

Chapter One, What A Day...

"DAMNIT!" I looked at my boss with tears in my eyes. "Why Do I have to be the one to go? Why can't You Fire Joan or Richard? I've been here for 8 years! I love this job! It's my life!" My boss raised his right hand slowly and gently placed in on my left shoulder. "I'm sorry Jayden, but we have already decided. If I could decide I would have kept you, you do amazing work here but we pay you to much." I Turned around and walked out of the office. I slammed the door behind me and Ran into an intern caring Coffee, It splashed all over us and it burnt badly. I walked past the break room and down the hall. I kicked the glass door open with my boot and stormed to my car. I fished around in my pocket for my keys. They weren't there. I peeked inside my driver side window. They were on the dashboard. "DAMNIT!" I pulled out my phone and as I flipped it open I got a call. It was from the hospital. "Hello, is this Jayden Cogswell?" I leaned on my car. "Yes, Why do you ask?" The man on the other end sighed. "I'm sorry to tell you but your mother has just pasted away, there's nothing we could do." I was stunned, "Please tell me this isn't true. Tell me it's a prank?" "I'm sorry sir." The man hung up the phone. I fell to my knees and tears came quickly to my eyes. "Why?" I sat up against my car and stared at the sky. It was sunny and bright out, how could such a beautiful Day Be so horrible? I'm 32 Years old. I thought to myself, It was bound to happen sometime, but the Pain is still there. "I didn't even get to say goodbye" I said the words softly. After a few hours passed I found the strength to call AAA. A few more hours passed, they arrived, and I got my keys out successfully.
I paid them, they left, and I drove out into the street.
I drove down the right side of the road, there were buildings on all sides of me, it wasn't very busy but the cars seemed to be very slow that day. It seemed like I hit every red light, what was a 45 minute drive took around 2 hours. "What A great day for this bullshit." I arrived at 2012 It was A Bar made by a friend from back in college, His name was Robby Dubert, He was a nice guy, always had an interesting story to tell. The bar was quite successful. The front of the building was red and tan brick with two windows decorated with neon signs and beer ads. The door was like the old gym door from high school. It was green and it had dents in it. Above the door was a Banner that Read 2012 Bar! And was decorated in a semi fancy But more collage doodle book way. When you walked into the bar there was a jukebox straight ahead. It had cheesy Oldies music with a few resent ones thrown in. To your left was the bar that stretched to the far back of the building but didn't touch the wall. It left room for a hallway that led to the janitor closet, and three bathrooms. Man, Women, and Employee. Then to the left were four pool tables and three dartboards. As well as around ten tables with four chairs each. It was small and nice. I walked up to the bar and offered a double of something hard. The bartender asked me "So how'd your day go?" I just stared at him and raised my hand to count along as I listed the horrible day I have had. "Well, First I woke up to my girlfriend breaking up with me. Then I ran over a dog. Then the man whose dog I ran over chased me for a long time with a knife. After I escaped him I went to work and got Fired, When I walked out from work It seems I locked my keys in the car, But before I could Call AAA I got a call from the hospital saying My mother died. So I'd Say Petty Fucking Horrible!" The bartender Just looked at me, he stopped wiping the glass in his hand. "Oh man I'm so sorry, Here This is on the house." He got a bottle of whiskey off of the shelf and plopped it In front of me. "Here, It'll make you feel better."
I took that whiskey, And After that I don't remember anything of that night, Because When I woke up the next day. It was empty, but I know where it went. It was Vomit, and it was everywhere. My head killed, I got up and Walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had my square face, Five a clock shadow, Black short hair and Average size body. I was tan, my hands were large and I had medium sized fingers. I was 6'4 pretty tall but not outrageous, I wore an undone White dress shirt half tucked into a pair of worn jeans, and one boot undone. I was soaked in vomit.
I took off my clothes and got inside the shower. When I turned on the water, it was cold. "Great Now I have no hot water." I took my cold shower. It took awhile but when I got out I still didn't feel clean. I dried off; I walked to my bedroom and threw on a pair of jeans and some white socks. I went to the kitchen. I bent over to open the fridge when I heard somebody knock on the door. "Open up it's the police." I sighed and wandered to the front door. I opened it revealing squads of swat guys. "Hello?" They looked pissed. "We're here to investigate a drug scandal. Is this the residence of Robby Dubert?" That's the name of the guy who owns the bar I just went too, I thought. "No actually, But I know him." They lowered their weapons from my face. "Can you tell us where He is?" I was extremely confused. "May I ask why?" they seemed offended. "I'm sorry but we can't tell you. But do you know where He is?" I thought. "He might be at 2012 He owns that bar." They got worried "2012 was blown up last night. By a man that fits your description." Could I have? "Really? But that's my favorite bar!" My headache got worse; I grabbed my head and leaned forward a bit in pain. "Are you ok?" "Yeah just a bit of a headache." "Well call us if anything strange happens ok?" They let me off the hook so easy? "Will do officer." That's weird, Why would swat look for a drug scandal. And why ask me? Argh I need to go to bed. Sometimes I just wish I was the only man left on earth, That way there'd be no one To Cause Me pain and suffering. I Walked to my bed and realized it was still covered in vomit. I decided to just sleep on my couch.

Posted by darkclimax - August 17th, 2009

I have started up a new book. I haven't gotten the first chapter done yet but i have tons of flashbacks and about 10 pages of back story right now. I want this book to have lots of depth meaning and foreshadowing so I'm carefully planning it out. But, I know everyone Loved my old book so i thought I'd give you guys a bit of a taste of whats coming up. So here I go...

Character Descriptions:

Shiku: Black shaggy hair with a sword and a pistol, Black trench coat and can go berserk. He is Male, Dark, and loves violence and being spontaneous.

Ryuu: Ryuu has short black hair, a brown trench coat, A katana, and can enter his own realm of shadows and exit anywhere he pleases, he also can move shadow animals with him, He has a wolf and a bear. The animals have tribal markings and black shadowy fur.
The most important thing about Ryuu is his armband; it goes all the way up his arm and ends in a bracelet. Can be black or brown. It is on his right arm and is very important to the story.

Shiku and Ryuu meet:

Skeleton doll climbed shiku's back and sat on his shoulders. "So what was life like for you guys as a kids?" Ryuu quickly responded with a cool and sly tone as shiku looked emotionless and kept walking. "As a child neither of us really fit in. Shiku never got along with anybody. Children made fun of him because of his temper. Whenever he got mad at something, He'd spin into a fit of rage and break things, including people. Soon children were afraid of him, and avoided him altogether. He became depressed and angry. He would pick fights with everyone just for fun. He was unstoppable, and undefeated. But one day, he finally met his match, and was beaten; BY ME!" Shiku looked at Ryuu in anger. "Yeah keep rubbing it in, that day I devoted my life to defeating you." Ryuu wraps his arm around Shiku and smiles sarcastically. "Unsuccessfully I might add." Shiku punched Ryuu in the arm and they laughed as they continued to walk down the path.

Revenge In The Shadows....

Posted by darkclimax - August 16th, 2009

I figured I'm in far enough to tell you all about my new book. I've given up on The real beginning because I lost interest, and it's really hard to right about something when it's extremely boring. However, I've picked up a new project. It has no title. However. It has alot of back story and I know how it's going to end. But I need a title and a cover. If you think you are interested in making a title or cover, tell me and I'll give you all the back story, as well as mention you in the back of the book. I also need an editor, Please know i have no money so you'd be doing all of this strictly for advertisement in the back of my book. The prototype title for the people interested in making a cover is Revenge in the Shadows. Here's a very small amount of back story for the people interested in reading but not wanting to participate in the actual development.

Character Descriptions:

Shiku: Black shaggy hair with a sword and a pistol, Black trench coat and can go berserk. He is Male, Dark, and loves violence and being spontaneous.

Ryuu: Ryuu has short black hair, a brown trench coat, A katana, and can enter his own realm of shadows and exit anywhere he pleases, he also can move shadow animals with him, He has a wolf and a bear. The animals have tribal markings and black shadowy fur.
The most important thing about Ryuu is his armband; it goes all the way up his arm and ends in a bracelet. Can be black or brown. It is on his right arm and is very important to the story.

Here's a little taste of the book in the form of a convenient Flashback...

"As a child neither of us really fit in. Shiku never got along with anybody. Children made fun of him because of his temper. Whenever he got mad at something, He'd spin into a fit of rage and break things, including people. Soon children were afraid of him and avoided him altogether. He became depressed and angry, he would pick fights with everyone just for fun, he was unstoppable, undefeated. But one day, he finally met his match, and was beaten; BY ME!" Shiku looked at Ryuu in anger. "Yeah keep rubbing it in, that day I devoted my life to defeating you." Ryuu wraps his arm around Shiku and smiles sarcastically. "Unsuccessfully I might add."

Here is all the names of the important characters so you don't forget them.

Names: main characters: Shiku and Ryuu possible love interest:
Luna and Keria KAWAII: Skeleton Doll Shadow pets: wolf: Mashara Bear: Deja Dragon: Shade Demon lord: Yakuna

I hope you Like my book, and helping would be awesome. the picture is for a visual of the characters, it's very rough and crappy but it's just for a visual. it's ryuu and shiku back to back with Deja coming from the shadows on the right.

Revenge In The Shadows.

Posted by darkclimax - August 13th, 2009

I have Decided to upload all my art from the past years. I don't have anything to work with but my hands so it's poor quality, But you can tell my newer stuff from my older stuff because my new stuff has color, I don't like using color but my drawings always look better that way.

Posted by darkclimax - June 28th, 2009

*twitches* ok so i was doing the 14 hour medal thing called shut on ocd+ and at the end of 14 hours it says, wait another hour. so i wait and I wait and it finally says medal get! then i refresh annd guess what? NO MEDAL! T_T

Posted by darkclimax - March 30th, 2009

i posted a story and got no comments so i was wondering...

could you please go back, read it, and tell me what you think?

^_^ please

please don't make me whip out my awesome noob attacks

Posted by darkclimax - March 15th, 2009

this is a book i'm working on hope you like it ^_^

The Real Beginning


Never has she seen anything like this before. A dead, human? "I thought that humans were fake" said mary startled, "well" said Mary's mother trying to keep her surprise down as not to startle her daughter, "I guess they aren't."

]Chapter one the first beginning

In the middle of nowhere there was a burst of light. Something exploded but what was it. Blinding light filled everything, everywhere where nothing once was. A black abyss renewed into something much greater something that we now call, earth.
Before we came along there were other things that lived here. Some say dinosaurs or cavemen were first among the living, and some even say we just became. Some believe in a faith as in god or budda. However these are all irrelevant,
In reality there was not one creater but there were first a colony, group, if you will, and how we create imaginary things in are minds like unicorns and elf's or orcs, there was a time when other things lets call them, Doques (for lack of a better name) imagined us.
We were their super heroes and their vampires we were imagined before we were created by these doques and we will create are super heroes we will create are imagination. But that will come in do time. First we need to look at the past. What really happened. Well, let me take you back.

]Chapter 2 what are doques

Now these doques were not alien nor animalistic, however they were far from humanoid. There is no proof of these doques. However if you want an answer, if you are searching for a reason, and haven't found it yet, I have it for you. I will start by telling you that they obviously didn't speak English, however they did speak and I would like to tell you the story of the doque child that found the first human. So if you may, please listen to my tale. I will convert their words into a language you can read.

chapter 3 the tale of mary

As Mary doodled on the leaf in front of her she felt an urge to do something drastic. She felt that if she drew in her own blood then maybe she could draw better. Mary carefully poked the tip of her index finger and began to draw an insect we now call a butterfly. "Wow, this is so pretty." She said to herself. Mary walked off to tell her mother. But when she put the leaf down on the desk, it transformed and turned into the butterfly that she drew. She passed out in fear as I'm sure we all would. Her mother came running in to see what was wrong. She saw the strange creature fluttering around. "What is that?" She proclaimed as she gave her daughter a hand up, "I drew it." stated Mary, "And it just came to life?" her mother said, "ha, prove it" so mary drew a long harry version of the creature she had made come to life, but this time without wings, in her blood. Her mother stopped her and asked her to heal her wound, but she refused and keep drawing.
When she was done she lay the leaf down on the desk for her mother to see and it came to life Just like before. Her mother gasped and said that Mary's power was very strange and that she should only use it in an emergence. Mary then stated that she could create new forms of life. She could draw herself a mate, or even a new creature she was already thinking of. Her mother told her to sleep, she tried, but did not succeed. Thoughts of this new found power kept her up all night. So she got up and picked another leaf. "One more can't hurt." She said, so she drew the new creature with an upper body and four separate branches and hands and feet with 5 toes and fingers each with 3 sections. she drew a head matching her own but with less pointy ears and made it symmetrical, the creature she created, was a human. she put the leaf down and waited for it to turn alive. It did not.
She woke up in a daze thinking why she had such an odd dream, or was it a dream she asked herself. She went out to ask her mother if she could make things out of her blood but decided not to and told her about the new creature she drew in her dream instead. She said that they varied just like doques and that they could walk and talk and everything. Her mother laughed and said she had a very creative mind and said she should go search for food so she did she walked in the woods aimlessly until she saw something, she's only seen this once before in a dream, a dead, human? "I thought that humans were fake, I just made them up, I didn't think that" Said mary startled, "well" said Mary's mother trying to keep her surprise down as not to startle her daughter, "i guess they aren't." Mary looked at her mother as if she were going insane (which she was along with mary) She just shut down. She didn't know what to do. How could she keep such a large secret? She couldn't, she had to tell all the other doques. So she did, she told every doque that if they wrote on a leaf in their own blood that they could create things, things that were wonderful, brilliantly things and they believed her, for once this seemed easy, she could actually talk without being told otherwise. She knew something and now everyone believed her. So they all tried it they all made beautiful things but some, created, other things.

]Chapter 4 the bad creations

Some doques made darker things, like cancer atoms and monsters they created viruses and plauge. They made ideas that would make everyone stop remembering the doques and they succeeded. also in making these creations the magical blood of doques. Does not always create the drawing that exact moment. Sometimes it can take centuries and sometimes you may find that your creation is nothing like what you intended it to be. If you master this power you'll find that you can draw powers and augment them to the drawers body. They can created poisons, and even minions to abide there every will. Soon Mary will regret telling the other doques, but this story is not the tale of Mary, It is the tale, of the entire doque race. We now start a new path. The path of a hero. The evil that resides in that path, and the powers that some doques have augmented themselves with.

Chapter 5 new god in time

in a few years what used to be the town mary resided in is now bleak and gray. Peices of civilization scattered across the land. A single doque stands on a hill overlooking the wasteland. He turns, and walks away from the ruins of what was once a city, and heads towards a new life, a life of death, a life of battle, and a life of recreation. This doque will create a new town, New people, New races. This doques name is william, and he alone drew the city in ruin, and it is he who will rebuild it. william walked to a large field of nothing but an empty space. He sat down, pricked his finger and began to draw on the ground, he drew buildings and doques, he drew cattle and bees and other animals. Soon the entire city was not only recreated, but the souls of the dead doques were replented into the bodys.
"thank you." said one of the children to william
william responded with a "eh,"
the child ran off to her mother and william sat against a tree he had made. it was just the right shape, with green leaves dangaling and a perfect shade for him to relax. he lied down, and took a long nap.